Cielo, Acqua - Mare di Lombardia
Kud France Preseren Lubiana Gallery, in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Slovenia. 2002, June.
This research on the sky and water boundaries, encompasses 23 images also arising from '80 professional reportages commited by rice manufactory and touristic agency.
In 1999 "Mare di Lombardia / Sky, Water" book was published under the sponsorship of Lombardia Region and Fondazione Cariplo.
The photography book has been presented in Pavia (1999, 2000) and in Lubiana (2002) with the "Istituto Italiano di Cultura" collaboration
From a technical point of view, Photocamera CANON F1, CANON 28, 50, 135 e 300 mm. lens were used. Film: KODAK EKTACHROME 64 Professional.